Anal Fissures and Fistula

Conditions affecting the anus and rectum (both of which are parts of the digestive system) are known as anorectal disorders. Pain, itchiness, bleeding, and the inability to defecate are just some of the symptoms that can arise from these conditions. Haemorrhoids, anal fissures, and anal fistulas
Common anal fissures and fistula conditions include these.
  1. Haemorrhoids: Inflammation of the veins in the anus or lower rectum causes haemorrhoids. Bowel discomfort, itching, and bleeding may be symptoms.
  2. Anal fissures: Anal fissures are splits in the anal mucosa. There could be discomfort, bleeding, and itchiness.
  3. Anal Fistulas (Fistula-in-ano): The anal canal and epidermis around the anus form a fistula-in-ano. Pain, discharge, and frequent infections are symptoms.
If there are signs or symptoms of anorectal disease, you should see a doctor right away to find out what's wrong and get help.